We Hit The Dunes Hard – Dubai Desert Safari

I said Dubai was a holiday of firsts and this day was a serious bunch of firsts. It was a great evening out, although pretty swelteringly hot and all outdoors! This one might just need to be more about the photographs because I think they tell a story in themselves. Actually come to think about it there were a few stories that need to be shared. So lets begin …

Rik and I were fetched and started the long journey in some direction … I had no idea where I was most of the time, so I just sat back and took it all in. We were collected in a double cab that had a roll cage … A roll cage people! That should have given me a heads up as to what I was in for … but no I was completely oblivious of the adventure to come. We stopped off at some spot and got out the car, it was ridiculously hot and we were told we’d be there for a while. Rik had already spotted the dune buggies and so when we found out we’d be there a while guess what we did! Let me interject and say that Rik loves all things cars, the faster the better (think “I wanna go fast”). He couldn’t believe that I hadn’t driven a buggy before and after a bit of persuading (and I think his slight disappointment) we got to go in the 2 seater buggy. Ai karamba! I held on for dear life while Rik hopped us over dunes and pulled what felt like hand brake turns. I was terrified but also enjoyed every minute of it. Rik managed to get not 1, not 2, but 3 buggies stuck … by the 3rd and seriously broken one he was told “no you go now” … Priceless.

We also spotted a small gnome garden on our way back to the car. Hilarious … why you ask because clearly gnomes need to be caged while guinea fowl and ducks are free to roam the gardens! Back into the car and then straight onto the dunes. When I say this dude drove the sh!t out of the car and the dunes that is the biggest understatement of my life. I couldn’t help but scream out in terror in some parts … thank goodness for the roll cages! My knuckles were white from holding on for more of my dear life. Adrenaline rush like no other. Sand flying around us, speed of craziness, I actually can’t describe it. I was speechless apart from shrieks of terror. We eventually stopped and were allowed to get out for some pics, this was done with shaky legs and a slighty green face. But wow I wouldn’t have traded that experience for anything. So two firsts for the day already!

Then onto the spot where we all congregated for dinner. We got to have a traditional meal while sitting on the floor (nog n first). But there were more things before that. Rik got to hold a hawk – isn’t it an epic pic? We went on a short camel ride (emphasis on short … that thing is almost as uncomfortable as an elephant and it smells like farm). I got a henna tattoo on my hand (stung like a mother trucker … but was really cool afterwards). We were entertained by this dude who spun (without getting dizzy it seems) for what felt like 5 minutes! And we ate a lot of great traditional food while chatting to some really cool Lebanese people (who were in the same car as us). All in all an absolutely thrilling experience, epic adventure and sheer fun! Check out the pics and you’ll see what I mean!

Photographs Eat Play Luv © (please request permission before using)

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