Category Archives: Easy Supper

Here are a few ideas for easy suppers to make that are also super tasty!

Simple Dins – Burger Without the Bun

I’ve recently started Hot Yoga, no this isn’t a new years resolution that will end in a week or two, but something I am loving to the max. It does however, deserve an entirely separate post, so hold tight and watch this space. One of the things I have noticed with this new regime of […]

Burger From Eat Out The Box

There are days when you just don’t feel like cooking, especially when it has been a long day and you’re only cooking for one. So something I like to treat myself to occasionally (when it isn’t pizza) is something from Eat Out The Box. They are a relatively new take-away spot that operates in the […]

My Version of Spaghetti Bolognaise

One of my all time favourite comfort dishes has to be spaghetti bolognaise – affectionately named spag bol. I think it’s something that I learnt to make years and years ago and have been adding and changing and finding new ways to make the flavour better. I think I made the ultimate version of spag […]

I Make A Mediterranean Salad (and chicken schnitzel)

I really enjoy the summer months, although I fry in the sun I function better when it’s warmer. When it is cold I freeze! And although I prefer cooking hearty winter dishes I am warming up (har har har) to cooking summer salad type things when it’s hot. Cape Town has finally allowed summer to […]

I Make Fish Cakes

Everyone knows about the end of the month salticrax meal. I’ve got something which is easy on the budget, quick to make and super yummy delish. This is something else from the Wam’s repertoire and I remember when she needed to feed a lot of people on a small budget this was something we used. […]